Fred P. Lossing Award
for distinguished contributions to mass spectrometry in Canada
- The Premier mass spectrometry award in Canada
- Biannual (odd years)
- Nominations due May 1st in the year of the award.

The CSMS presents a biennial award to a distinguished Canadian mass spectrometrist. The award consists of a $2000 CAD sponsorship to the Lake Louise Tandem Mass Spectrometry Workshop in Lake Louise, AB and includes a lasting memory of the event. The awardee has traditionally been invited to speak at the Workshop in the year they receive the award.

The award recognizes a distinguished contribution with significant national or international impact to the field of mass spectrometry. The impact may be observed not only in the form of scientific publications, presentations, training and academic honours, but also as technological innovation, and policy development.

Nominations should be made by a 3rd party and a complete nomination package should include:

  • a one-page cover letter outlining the nature of the candidate's contributions focusing on impact to the national and international MS community
  • the candidate's CV
  • 3-4 letters of support (one page maximum each) from Canadian and/or international scientists focusing on the impact of the nominee’s contributions

Nominations will be held and considered for two award cycles (including the one for which the nomination was originally submitted). Nominators are responsible for keeping the file up to date. Nominees must be members of CSMS at the time when the award is announced.

Nominations are due by May 1st in the year of the award.

The next Fred P. Lossing Award will be awarded in 2025.

Please send your nominations to the CSMS Secretary.

2023 Recipient: Christoph Borchers 

Previous Recipients of the Fred P. Lossing Award:

Randy Purves (2023), Pierre Thibault (2019), Ann English (2018), Helene Perreault (2017), Mel Comisarow (2016), Terry McMahon (2015), Jim Hager (2014), Lars Konermann (2013), Joseph Banoub (2012), John Klassen (2011), Roger Guevremont (2010), Orval Mamer (2009), Paul Mayer (2008), Tom Covey (2007), Liang Li (2006), Michael Siu (2005), Bruce Thomson (2004), Lawrence Hogge (2003), Diethard Bohme (2002), Don Douglas (2001), John Holmes (2000), Gord McKay (1999), Ken Standing (1998), Raymond March (1997), Bob Boyd (1996), Alex Harrison (1995), Paul Kebarle (1994)

Remembering Fred P. Lossing